Blog & News Items

Documenting Yup’ik Place Names with Dr. Yoko Kugo

Dr. Yoko Kugo’s dataset – Iliamna Lake (Nanvarpak, Nila Vena) Native and Local Place Names (2016-2019) – compiled the local place names in and around Iliamna Lake in Alaska with the help of five specific communities: Iliamna, Newhalen, Kokhanok, Igiugig, and Levelock. Check out the dataset and learn more about the importance and applications of this data in our Q&A with Dr. Kugo.

Hands-on Coding . . . Virtually?

Understanding the Arctic Data Center’s approach to learning data science and management and how we transitioned it online.

Bringing Arctic Data into Undergraduate Classrooms

The guest blogger for today is Arctic Data Center Data Science Fellow, Sarah Erickson. Her project is all about bringing the Arctic to life in undergraduate classrooms all over the world using Arctic data.  ***** We stand on the shoulders of giants and below us is a giant mountain of information.  The Arctic Data Center… Read more »

Profile curated collections of data with portals on the Arctic Data Center

Create a custom, branded portal for your research topic or lab group that spans datasets in the Arctic Data Center – available for all users. Branded portals provide a convenient, readily customized way to communicate your science, your team, your data, and related data from within the Arctic Data Center.