Arctic Data Center team members will be attending the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2019 Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2019. Come visit us at Booth #1332 in the Moscone Center Exhibit Hall (see map below) throughout the week, and attend the Data Help Desk and Coding Desk (Booth #1329 just next to our booth) for workshops and support. Team members will also be presenting at various times (see below). We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!

Quick Guide
- Monday, 13:40 – 18:00 – Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products – C13E-1373 – Location: Moscone South – Poster Hall
- Tuesday, 10:00 – 11:30 – Data Help Desk – Ask An Expert – General Data Management, Information Management, Metadata, Data Discovery, Data Repositories (especially Arctic Data Center and DataONE) – Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
- Tuesday, 10:20 – 12:20 – Semantic Approaches to Enhancing Data Findability and Interoperability in the NSF DataONE and Arctic Data Center Data Repositories – IN22C-19 – Location: Moscone South – eLightning Theater III
- Wednesday, 11:00 – 11:30 – Data Help Desk Workshop – How to Create a Data Management Plan – Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
- Wednesday, 14:30-16:00 – Data Help Desk – Ask An Expert – How to Communicate about your Data Effectively – Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
- Thursday, 11:00 – 11:45 – Data Help Desk Workshop – How to Find an Appropriate Data Repository (Lightning Talks) – Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
- Thursday, 13:00-14:30 – Coding Desk Help – Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
- Friday, 15:10 – 15:25 – Supporting Ecologists in Data Management Best Practices: Lessons from DataONE and NCEAS (Invited) – IN53A-07 – Location: Moscone West – 2018, L2
In-depth Guide
Monday, December 9, 2019
Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products – C13E-1373 – Matthew B. Jones (Co-Author), Amber Budden (Co-Author)
Time: 13:40 – 18:00, Location: Moscone South – Poster Hall
Abstract: Permafrost thaw has been observed at several locations across the pan-Arctic in recent decades, yet the pan-Arctic extent and potential spatial-temporal variations in thaw are poorly constrained. Thawing of ice-rich permafrost can be inferred and quantified with satellite imagery due to the subsequent differential ground subsidence and erosion that also affects land surface cover, storage and flow of water, sediment, and nutrients. However, a lack of supporting cyberinfrastructure necessary to harness information from the existing and rapidly growing collection of high-resolution satellite imagery (Big Imagery) has limited our advances in understanding the nature of pan-Arctic permafrost degradation. In the coming four years, we will empower the broader Arctic community with a cyberinfrastructure platform, the Permafrost Discovery Gateway (PDG), aimed at making Big Imagery permafrost information accessible and discoverable through novel visualization and analysis tools designed with input from users of the PDG, e.g. the diverse peoples living, working, and/or studying in the Arctic. From the start of the project, we will engage the user-community through in-person and online meetings to ensure effective development of permafrost Big Imagery products for archiving, processing, analyzing, and visualizing. The framework will utilize existing resources, such as the (1) NSF supported data management resources the Arctic Data Center and Clowder, (2) web application visualization tools (Fluid Earth Viewer, Google Earth, and Gapminder Foundation), (3) high performance computing resources (XSEDE, Google Earth Engine etc.), and (4) and satellite imagery (Polar Geospatial Center, Landsat, Sentinel, and Planet). The PDG will include the management of ingesting remote sensing big data into machine and deep learning models. We welcome collaborations with national and international Native, industry, and academic organizations and individuals to ensure broad community engagement and dissemination. The PDG will enable diverse peoples to contribute to and have access to pan-Arctic permafrost knowledge, which can immediately inform the economy, security, and resilience of the Nation, the Arctic region, and the globe with respect to pan-Arctic change.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Time: 10:00 – 11:30, Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
Time: 10:20-12:20, Location: Moscone South – eLightning Theater III
Abstract: Reproducibility and synthesis of scientific insights vitally depend on researchers having access to other researchers’ data. The preservation of data in robust, sustained repositories represents a major step forward for investigators to access relevant information. However, environmental science research often requires data from disparate disciplines and sources, including climatological, geographical, ecological, biodiversity, and genomic data– and more. In addition, environmental science researchers use their own specialized terms and abbreviations to describe their processes and measurements, further complicating data discovery and interpretation. Significant challenges thus exist for researchers to find and re-use others’ data, especially in the case of synthesis efforts, where the data must also be harmonized and integrated.
Within the NSF-sponsored DataONE (http://dataone.org) and Arctic Data Center (http://arcticdata.io) data systems, we have enhanced a well-established XML schema-based metadata standard, Ecological Metadata Language (EML; https://github.com/NCEAS/eml) with the capability to reference external controlled vocabularies, i.e., ontologies. By linking metadata fields and their contents to terms contained in well-constructed ontologies, this semantic annotation enables several advanced data services—including clarification of a dataset descriptor’s specific, finer, and broader meanings, and its relationship to other terms. Our services can now resolve synonyms and homonyms, and execute query expansions to include relevant terms from sub-classes and their instances. This leads to a significant increase in the findability and reusability of data retrieved from participating repositories.
We describe how semantic annotation enhanced FAIR principles within our own cyberinfrastructures, and may be a readily implementable way to confederate search across multiple scientific data repositories. The possibilities of this approach recommend, however, convergence of the earth and environmental science communities on ways to construct their vocabularies. So we will also touch on our experiences examining ontologies, and discuss the benefits of consensus on how to deploy features of W3C-recommended semantic web languages such as RDF, SKOS, and OWL.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Data Help Desk Workshop – How to Create a Data Management Plan – Amber Budden
Time: 11:00 – 11:30, Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
A comprehensive plan that describes how your data will be effectively managed during the life of the project and beyond is a valuable research tool in addition to a funder requirement. Learn the critical components of effective data management plans and explore tools that can support you in writing DMPs.
Time: 14:30 – 16:00, Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Data Help Desk Workshop – How to Find an Appropriate Data Repository (Lightning Talks) – Amber Budden
Time: 11:00 – 11:45, Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
There are many data repositories. How do you know which one is the best place to archive your data to meet funder or publisher requirements? Representatives from seven geosciences data repositories will be give lightning talks to introduce their repositories.
Coding Desk Help – Jeanette
Time: 13:00-14:30, Location: Moscone North – Booth #1329 – Exhibit Hall
Friday, December 13, 2019
Supporting Ecologists in Data Management Best Practices: Lessons from DataONE and NCEAS – IN53A-07 – Amber Budden (Presenting, Co-Author), Matthew B. Jones (Co-Author)
Time: 15:10 – 15:25, Location: Moscone West – 2018, L2
Abstract: There is a broad need for data literacy within the current and emerging research community. Funding agencies require data management plans, journals are requiring that data and resulting software be accessible, and society is increasingly expecting that research be reproducible. Researchers with good data skills will be able to maximize the productivity of their research program, effectively and efficiently share their data and other research products with the scientific community, and potentially benefit from the re-use of their data by others. Consequently, educators are increasingly being tasked with providing training in fundamental principles of data management. Through collaborative working group activities, focussed workshops and community review, DataONE and NCEAS have developed a suite of education resources to support instruction and self-directed learning across all stages of the data life cycle. These resources have recently been updated and transitioned to GitHub for increased community engagement.
The Data Management Skillbuilding Hub provides resources for better data management and is open for community use, contribution and updates. The resources are adaptable across a range of contexts and intended for use by researchers, teachers, librarians, or anyone who wants to learn or teach better data management practices. This Hub is one of a suite of Research Data Management learning opportunities offered through NCEAS and DataONE. In this presentation we will introduce both the Skillbuilding Hub and the NCEAS approach to delivering successful online and in person training.