ATN 22.May.2022 High resolution model run code: MITgcm: checkpoint c67 code_c67 - include modifications for running with tidal forcing at open boundary and surface - include options to compile with 320, 659, 1149, or 2484 cpus: SIZE_h_30x30x2484 SIZE_h_45x45x1149 SIZE_h_60x60x659 SIZE_h_90x90x320 To compile: create a build directory, and follow instruction for compiling the MITgcm at: include code mod: copy the appropriate SIZE_h* file from above to SIZE.h in code_c67 include the -mods ../code_c67 during compilation. To run: NAMELISTS_c67: include options to run with 320, 659m 1149, or 2484 cpus: data_exch2_30x30x2484 data_exch2_45x45x1149 data_exch2_60x60x659 data_exch2_90x90x320 copy the appropriate file above to data.exch2 a) run with tides: cp data.exf_tides data.exf cp data.obcs_tides data.obcs cp data.diagnostics_tides data.diagnostics a) run without tides: cp data.exf_notides data.exf cp data.obcs_notides data.obcs cp data.diagnostics_notides data.diagnostics a) run with low frequency winds and without tides: cp data.exf_notides_LFwinds data.exf cp data.obcs_notides data.obcs cp data.diagnostics_notides data.diagnostics ======================================== Model binary inputs can be found in: input_binaries: Bathymetry, vertical mixing, runoff: bathy_v2.bin.gz diffkr3d_aste.bin.gz runoff1p2472-360x180x12.bin.gz JRA55 for year 2014: jra55_dlw_2014.gz downward long wave jra55_dsw_2014.gz downward shortwave jra55_pres_2014.gz surface pressure jra55_spfh2m_2014.gz specific humidity jra55_tmp2m_degC_2014.gz surface air temperature (2m) jra55_u10m_2014.gz 10m u wind jra55_v10m_2014.gz 10m v wind JRA55 rain modified by ASTE Release1 adjustments to reduce excessive rain: jra55_rain_it12xx_2014.gz JRA55 low frequency (48hr running mean): jra55_v10m_runmean48hr_2014.gz jra55_u10m_runmean48hr_2014.gz Open boundaries: Hydrography and velocity, extracted from ASTE Release1 input_binaries/OBEs_4500x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBEt_4500x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBEu_4500x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBEv_4500x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBSs_3960x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBSt_3960x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBSu_3960x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz input_binaries/OBSv_3960x90x170_13Jan2018_bl.bin.gz Tidal amplitude and phase, extracted from TPXO 7.2 (originally downloaded from input_binaries/OBEam_4500x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBEph_4500x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBEtam_4500x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBEtph_4500x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBSam_3960x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBSph_3960x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBStam_3960x13.bin.gz input_binaries/OBStph_3960x13.bin.gz Pick up for January 2014 from spin up: a) with tides: pickup_tides.0001577880.meta pickup_seaice_tides.0001577880.meta b) without tides pickup_notides.0001577880.meta pickup_seaice_notides.0001577880.meta c) without tides and with low frequency winds: pickup_notides_LFwinds.0001577880.meta pickup_seaice_notides_LFwinds.0001577880.meta Surface tidal potential: pot_tide_1deg_2014.gz Model grid: tile001.mitgrid.gz tile002.mitgrid.gz tile003.mitgrid.gz tile004.mitgrid.gz tile005.mitgrid.gz tile006.mitgrid.gz Model output examples in the Arctic: Grid: nctiles_grid log file of variable definition: available_diagnostics.log Monthly-mean output for year 2014 from the three runs: Tile size 90x90, 129 tiles per output field, Each tile contains 12 records (12 months) for the year 2014 3D fields: 83 vertical levels. All fields are centered Description of fields are in available_diagnostics.log and summarized here: THETA potential temperature, degC SALT salinity, g/kg UVELMASSc x-dir velocity, m/s VVELMASSc y-dir velocity, m/s ETANcor sea surface anomaly, corrected for sea ice and snow loading, m oceTAUXc zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel (cell center), N/m^2 oceTAUYc meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel (cell center), N/m^2 oceFWflx net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity, kg/m^2/s oceQnet net surface heat flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases theta, W/m^2 SIarea SEAICE fractional ice-covered area [0 to 1], m/m SIheff SEAICE effective ice thickness, m SIhsnow SEAICE effective snow thickness, m SIuicec SEAICE zonal ice velocity, >0 from West to East (cell center), m/s SIvicec SEAICE merid. ice velocity, >0 from South to North (cell center), m/s EXFatemp surface (2-m) air temperature, degK EXFpreci precipitation, > 0 decreases salinity, m/s EXFpress atmospheric pressure field, N/m^2 EXFqnet Net upward heat flux (turb+rad), >0 decreases theta, W/m^2 EXFlwdn Downward longwave radiation, >0 increases theta, W/m^2 EXFswdn Downward shortwave radiation, >0 increases theta, W/m^2 EXFuwindc zonal 10-m wind speed (cell center), >0 eastward, m/s EXFvwindc meridional 10-m wind speed (cell center), >0 northward, m/s EXFtidep tidal geopotential, range -10 < apressure < +10, m^2/s^2 (in run with tides) Outputs with tides and high frequency winds: nctiles_monthly_tides Outputs without tides and with high frequency winds: nctiles_monthly_notides Outputs without tides and with low frequency winds: nctiles_monthly_notides_LFwinds